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HOPE in the Community


Who are HOPE in the Community?

HOPE (Helping Older People Evolve) in the Community is part of CLASP – our main aim is to help people aged 50+ and living in North Ayrshire, to remain independent within their own homes for longer. We want to help them enjoy life in the company of others through the provision of numerous services eg social activities, outings, interests, health & fitness classes and digital support & learning as well as information & advice. We make available our extensive information library to ensure they are assisted in making informed choices on all aspects of their advancing years.

Our HOPE Goes Digital project provides a range of services including:

  • One-to-one befriending
  • Telephone befriending
  • Digital support & training
  • Digital activities including a quiz
  • Social activities including a weekly lunch club
  • Social outings
  • Interest classes
  • Health & fitness classes like Zumba and Line dancing
  • Information library & information talks

For more information, please contact us by email info@clasps.org.uk or by telephone (01294 602711 Monday-Friday)

Current Activities (to 28th Feb 2025)

What Activities Do We Provide for Older People in North Ayrshire?
Our activities currently run Monday – Thursday at venues across North Ayrshire and we regularly update the schedule to ensure we are providing the most appropriate service for our community.  We have a charge for our face to face activities, details are shown in the current activity programme shown above.

We currently offer activities at a number of locations in North Ayrshire, please see the activity programme for activities offered in Stevenston, Largs, West Kilbride, Kilbirnie, Kilwinning, Saltcoats, Ardrossan and Dreghorn.

Resources and Amenities

CLASP Resource Centre is situated in the centre of Stevenston town, across from the Health Centre and is also available for hire including evenings for meetings, etc.  The Resource Centre houses an extensive Information Library covering a wide spectrum of topics including – benefits, safety, health, fitness, nutrition plus information on local and national support agencies.

Accessibility – The CLASP Resource Centre in Stevenston is wheelchair accessible.

HOPE in the Community is assisted in the delivery of services by a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who are trained and disclosure checked to equip them for the roles they will undertake. Age is not a barrier and many older adults find that they enjoy volunteering themselves.

We need YOUR help in order to help some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please visit our volunteering page for more information.

Main Contacts:

Jim Montgomery (befriending/activities)
Tel 01294 602711 opt 1 or 07551 643489 Email jimmy@clasps.org.uk

Nicola Pitt (activities coordinator)
Tel 01294 602711 opt 2 or 07551 643489 Email

Paul McCurdy (digital learning/activities)
Tel 01294 602711 opt 3 or 07916 886369
Email paul@clasps.org.uk