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Working with the Community to build a better future


Welcome to C.L.A.S.P (Community Led Action & Support Project) based in Stevenston, North Ayrshire.

We provide a local base for confidential access to information on a wide variety of subjects. Here you will find information on all the services and activities we provide to everyone aged 50+ who live in North Ayrshire.

We are actively recruiting new volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please visit our volunteering page for more information.

Our Services

Please click or tap on the images below to find out more about the services we can offer:

HOPE in the Community

Providing a wide range of activities for over 50s across North Ayrshire

Community Hub

Our local community hub provides support to local residents, groups, organisations & businesses

HOPE in the Community Digital

Helping individuals and groups learn essential digital skills

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